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  • Edibles
  • Post author
    Peter Turner


The Grow Your Own (GYO) Edibles Kitchen Gardener is doubling year on year, people are getting more savvy as to what’s inside their favourite vegetables or sometimes what’s not in them! The whole point of GYO is to consume the very produce you have nurtured and grown and more than likely all your GYO started from sowing the seeds. The first thing to emerge from a seed in its quest for life is a root, the first root is often a taproot that sprouts finer fibres that grow out into the soil. As the plant grows and develops more roots, some of them undergo secondary growth, becoming stronger. The main function of these stronger thicker roots is to provide a structure to connect the many, finer roots to the plants.

These roots branch out and grow away from the plant, producing fine hairs along their length that absorb large amounts of water and nutrients from the soil. Vascular systems that transmit water, nutrients, and manufactured sugars throughout the plant are contained in a root’s plant tissues. Still, despite the size of the entire root system, roots are still fragile, particularly the fine roots and root hairs that are the major collectors of water and nutrients. Applying Root-Success to your GYO crops you are extending the plants roots water absorbing area by up to 700x and the Bigger your Roots, the Bigger your Fruits!

The specific blend of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Root-Success release enzymes into the soil that dissolve locked up nutrients, such as phosphorus which is vital for flowering and fruiting, iron and other tightly bound soil nutrients. This process of accessing locked up nutrients is very important for plant nutrition and explains why non-mycorrhizal plants require high levels of fertility to maintain their health. Mycorrhizal fungi form an intricate web that captures and assimilates nutrients, conserving the nutrients value in the soil.

Using Root-Success on Grow Your Own Edibles is safe, sustainable and a natural way to get great results for fruit and veg that will end up on your dining room table. You can apply a thin layer of Root-Success Granular below where you plan to sow your seeds or when they have rooted and show signs of growth you can apply the Mycorrhizal Fungi though a top drench with Root-Success Soluble Mycorrhizae.

Mycorrhizae is great for all edibles including tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes, leafy greens, beans, peas, root vegetables - you name it!

  • Post author
    Peter Turner

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